“Yes we will be a mirror”

By Suhasini Haidar’s speech while accepting Maharana Mewar Foundation 36th Annual Awards – 2018

Shriji Arvind Singhji, and the Maharana Mewar Foundation,

There are few honours for a journalist greater than this : to be recognised for one’s work is important, and I am very grateful for that after 24 years as a journalist. But to be recognised for awakening society, as the Haldighati award does, is the most fulfilling moment of all.

When I joined the profession, it was a time when being a journalist was a matter of prestige. Today, sadly it is not the case, and I admit there are reasons for this. But our real fight is not against those who say this is good journalism and that is bad journalism. Our fight is against those who say, we don’t need journalists. We will send our message without any analysis, any other side and without any editing. Journalists must just be a mirror, show the world exactly what there is.

To those I say, yes we will be a mirror:

Not to show only a beautiful image, but also to show all the problems there are

Yes we will be a mirror:

Not to focus on just one personality and what they say, but to show the complete reality around them, to show the shadows behind them as well

Yes we will be a mirror:

Not to show viewers only what they want to see, which will bring TRPs and circulation, but to show what we think you must see, which will bring knowledge and understanding

You may think what I am saying is just idealistic, but this is the reality for many journalists. Since I joined the profession nearly 2000 journalists have been killed worldwide doing their job, 44 of them in India, but thousands are doing their job everyday despite the danger of violence and the fears they face, and I accept this award in their name.

I wish to add just one thing, I have had the privilege in my job of travelling the length and breadth of this beautiful country from Ladakh to the last island in the Andamans, and there is only one thing I can say with certainty. Our society’s ills can only be erased when every child, particularly every girl child is educated. Which is why I am very grateful for the award, and the prize that comes with it, which with your permission, I would like to donate, here in Udaipur to Seva Mandir, to keep that mission going.